Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Kian's ArtQuest - Malaysian Artists Revealed (Kota Bahru)

After wrapping up the
interviews in Kuantan,
we were on the road again,
this time heading
to Kota Bahru.
Due to road condition
I estimated that it would
take us about 7 hours
to reach our destination.
After forcing my writer
to be the navigator and
getting us on the right track,
he quickly fell asleep
(sigh, here I thought I
would have some company).

Oh well, at least I have
a CD Jane (another writer)
gave me to accompany me...
(I think it's driving my writer
crazy, after playing the same
songs for the gazillion time)

It dawned me that I forgot
to feed my writer,
so I stopped at
one of those road side stalls.
Ordered 2 tom yam soup,
2 mee goreng, 1 milo
and 1 tea, the total came
up to a whopping RM32!!
Sigh...when quizzed about
the prices, the answer I got
was "Sudah lewat, jadi
harga pun naik...". Speechless...

At around 1am,
the most terrifying thing
that could ever happen to
a me occurred...
a mysterious flying object
(I suspect a fatty Owl) 
flew right at my 4X4,
hit the wind screen
with such a loud thud
that my writer screamed
like a little girl (even his
scream remains a mystery)

I was concerned whether
that "fatty Owl" cracked
the wind screen,
but upon closer inspection
my wallet did a cartwheel,
no visible damage.
Arriving at Kota Bahru
we checked into a hotel
and looked at the car again.
My ever faithful and observant writer
pointed out that he could see feathers...

The mystery continues...but for now I must sleep...

Kian's ArtQuest

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